Tuesday, December 28

Yesterday was the happiest day of my holiday. enjoying the moments with all my friends was totally awesome! been cooked up at home for quite a period of time and yesterday was just the 2nd time of my gatherings. unbelievable yet true. pretty sad, cause you all were spm-ing o.o

Wonder when's the next time to gather? look forward for it so much :)

Recently was addicted to the song 'Grenade' by B.Mars. Mind kept singing it by its own unconditionally.

When the pin from a grenade was plucked out, the whole thing will blow in a second or two and,creating devastation and lights that blind your eyes. You could only close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the surrounding and imagine what will happen next.
Empty land? or there are still flowers left, ready to bloom?

just some random thinking and expression. :)

I wonder if there's Heart Grenade in this world.

My ex sg classmates ask me to stay my 'act cool' characteristics. Should I continue this next year? :(